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“THIS IS THE SECRET OF MY LIFE: I lost my heart to this Jesus of Nazareth, crucified 1900 years ago, and I am spending my life trying to imitate him as much as my weakness allows”

San Charles De Foucauld

“This is the secret of my life: I lost my heart to this Jesus of Nazareth, crucified 1900 years ago, and I am spending my life trying to imitate him as much as my weakness allows”

Saint Charles de Foucauld 20th-century Saint



Frére Charles de Foucauld.
To imitate with our life the Unique Model, Jesus of Nazareth.



Be sufficiently good that people would say: If such is the servant, what must the Master be like?

Piccoli Fratelli dell’Accoglienza is a Public Association of the Christian faithful of diocesan right.
It is at the complete service of the human being, especially of childhood and of those who are in conditions of fragility.

Saint Charles de Foucauld 20th-century Saint



Frére Charles de Foucauld.
To imitate with our life the Unique Model, Jesus of Nazareth.



Be sufficiently good that people would say: If such is the servant, what must the Master be like?

Piccoli Fratelli dell’Accoglienza is a Public Association of the Christian faithful of diocesan right.
It is at the complete service of the human being, especially of childhood and of those who are in conditions of fragility.

Our Spirituality

By what means?  By giving the very best of themselves to those  whom they meet, and to all, without exception, with whom they have any rapport whatsover, by means of goodness, tenderness, filial affection, the example of virtue, humility and gentleness – attitudes which are always appealing and so Christian.  Some may not even say a word about God or religion but being patient as God is patient, good as God is good, they become a dear sister or brother.  And when praying with others they speak of God in the measure that  others are able to understand them.

Saint Charles De Foucauld

From the Unedited Correspondence between Charles de Foucauld and  Monsignor Joseph Hours – May 3rd, 1912



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Our Spirituality

By what means?  By giving the very best of themselves to those  whom they meet, and to all, without exception, with whom they have any rapport whatsover, by means of goodness, tenderness, filial affection, the example of virtue, humility and gentleness – attitudes which are always appealing and so Christian.  Some may not even say a word about God or religion but being patient as God is patient, good as God is good, they become a dear sister or brother.  And when praying with others they speak of God in the measure that  others are able to understand them.

Saint Charles De Foucauld

From the Unedited Correspondence between Charles de Foucauld and  Monsignor Joseph Hours – May 3rd, 1912




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