The Piccoli Fratelli dellâAccoglienza (Little Brothers of Welcome/Hospitality) is a branch of the Domus Juventutis, a Public Association of the Christian Faithful of diocesan right.
Each member of the Fraternity, according to his or her charism, can live a mission:
- At the service of his or her diocese (or religious community), in the case of ordained or instituted ministers, or religious women or men, who decide to join the Fraternity and the mission of St. Charles de Foucauld, in primary obedience to their bishop or superior.
- At the service of the society, in the case of consecrated laymen and laywomen (or who are on the path of discernment for consecration) who live the Charism of St. Charles de Foucauld by doing apostolate in the world, with external work also to support the Fraternity.
- At the service of the Fraternity, in the case of consecrated Laymen and Laywomen (or who are on the path of discernment for consecration) who live together the Charism of St. Charles de Foucauld by working (ora et labora) within the Fraternity and the family in which they permanently reside.
The life of a Little Brother of Hospitality is based on three fundamental pillars, in freedom and in communion with others: Prayer, Communion, and Apostolate.
In each kind of mission that embodies the Charism of St. Charles de Foucauld (diocesan, professional, and community), the Little Brother aims to live these three pillars in order to be leaven in the mass. As those everywhere who adore in holy activity, he or she consecrates âthe world itself to Godâ (Lumen Gentium 34), by fostering the transformation of all human reality in the light of the Gospel.
The Fraternity was born within the Roman Catholic Church, but it is open to all who adhere to the message of frère Charles. We have the great opportunity to experience ecumenical encounters with Protestant, Anglican, and Orthodox Christians, as well as members of Eastern Catholic Rites, entering an ecumenical and interreligious dialogue.